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A simple facade for dispatching media requests to the nearest media player element.


Set the event target from which to dispatch media requests events from. The events should bubble up from this target to the player element.


Returns the current player instance. This method will attempt to find the player by searching up from either the given target or default target set via setTarget.


Dispatch a media-start-loading event to start the media loading process. This will only work if the media player has been initialized with a custom media loading strategy.


Dispatch a media-start-loading-poster event to start the poster image loading process. This will only work if the media player has been initialized with a custom poster loading strategy.


Dispatch a media-play-request event to begin/resume media playback.


Dispatch a media-pause-request event to pause media playback.


Dispatch a media-mute-request event to set the media volume to mute (0).


Dispatch a media-unmute-request event to unmute the media volume and set it back to it’s previous state.


Dispatch a media-enter-fullscreen-request event to enter fullscreen on the given target.


Dispatch a media-exit-fullscreen-request event to exit fullscreen on the given target.


Dispatch a media-enter-pip-request event to enter picture-in-picture mode.


Dispatch a media-exit-pip-request event to exit picture-in-picture mode.


Dispatch a media-orientation-lock-request event to lock the screen orientation to the given lock type.


Dispatch a media-orientation-unlock-request event to unlock the screen orientation.


Dispatch a media-seeking-request event to notify the media player that a seeking process is happening to the given time. This method will not update the current time, complete the process by calling seek.


Dispatch a media-seek-request event to notify the media player that a seeking operation has completed and to seek to the given time. This is generally called after a series of seeking calls.


Dispatch a media-live-edge-request event to seek to the live edge.


Dispatch a media-duration-change-request event to update the length of the media in seconds.


Dispatch a media-clip-start-change-request event to update the clip start time. This is the time at which media playback should start at.


Dispatch a media-clip-end-change-request event to update the clip end time. This is the time at which media playback should end.


Dispatch a media-volume-change-request event to update the media volume to the given level which is a value between 0 and 1.


Dispatch a media-audio-track-change-request event change to the audio track at the given index.


Dispatch a media-quality-change-request event to change to the video quality at the given index. The special value -1 represents auto quality selection.


Request auto quality selection. This is simply shorthand for remote.changeQuality(-1).


Dispatch a media-text-track-change event to change the mode of the text track at the given index.


Dispatch a media-rate-change-request event to change the media playback rate.


Dispatch a media-pause-controls-request event to pause controls idle tracking. Pausing tracking will result in the controls being visible until remote.resumeControls() is called. This method is generally used when building custom controls and you’d like to prevent the UI from disappearing.


Dispatch a media-resume-controls-request event to resume idle tracking on controls. See pauseControls for more information.


Dispatch requests to toggle the media playback state.


Dispatch requests to toggle the controls visibility.


Dispatch requests to toggle the media muted state.


Dispatch requests to toggle the media fullscreen state on the given target.


Dispatch requests to toggle the media picture-in-picture mode.


Dispatch requests to toggle the current media captions text track mode.


Turn captions off.


Dispatch a request to connect to AirPlay.


Dispatch a request to connect to Google Cast.

