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An introduction to styling media elements and components using CSS.

Vidstack Player enables styling any child element of the player with CSS based on the current media state. This is made possible by exposing media state as data attributes on the player DOM element. You can use the presence and/or absence of these media data attributes to style children of the player element with CSS. Here’s a few simple examples:


See the Media Player Data Attributes reference table.

The [attr] selector will select elements based on the presence or value of an attribute, and the :not() pseudo-class represents elements that do not match a list of selectors. You can combine attributes and selectors to express newer and more powerful conditional selectors like so:


Similarly to styling player elements, components also expose data attributes and CSS variables for styling with CSS:


Refer to the Data Attributes and CSS Variables section on each component’s page.

To speed up development, we provide default styles out of the box for all components. The installation guide can get you set up. You’re free to override CSS properties and use CSS variables to further customize components as desired. The default theme is applied via classes like so:


You can see our player examples to see how to apply the default theme to a variety of components. You can also find code examples and CSS variables on each component page.

Some components such as Tooltips and Menus are hidden (i.e., display: none) when they’re inactive to prevent ARIA and focus issues, and to not appear on initial mount. You can add animations to the mentioned components using CSS. The library will wait for the animation to end before performing any operations such as focusing the first interactive element, or forcefully hiding the component.


Now that you’ve familiarized yourself with how styling elements and components works, you can start building! The best place is to start with styling any of the following:

  • The player is responsive by default but you might want to set a specific width or aspect ratio to prevent layout shifts.
  • The provider can generally be left as-is, but it’s important you understand what role it plays in your design.
  • The controls is a great place to start as most media components are generally grouped and shown/hidden together.

From there you’re free to start exploring all of our components by scrolling down through the components sidebar. They’re organized into categories by their role (e.g., display, buttons, sliders, etc.) and each contains docs on everything you need for using and customizing them. Enjoy!