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Getting Started


An overview of the accessibility guidelines and principles we adhere to.

Getting accessibility right is an ongoing process that is difficult but incredibly important to ensure everyone can use the player and enjoy the content being played. We try to provide as many building blocks as possible, and set sensible defaults out of the box to ensure an accessible media experience, but where you take that is still on you.

We currently consider the following when trying to build and provide users an accessible media experience:

  • Provide clear ARIA roles and labels.
  • Provide alternative text descriptions for images and videos.
  • Ensure proper color contrast for all text and controls.
  • Respect color scheme preference (light/dark) to help with visibility of UI controls.
  • Manage focus sensibly with clear indicators.
  • Add keyboard controls and shortcuts.
  • Define adequate touch target zones.
  • Ensure tooltips and menus are positioned correctly and visible.
  • Offer captions and/or subtitles for multimedia content.
  • Render, style, and customize captions consistently.
  • Enable audio descriptions for the blind and vision impaired.
  • Ensure caption text is readable and doesn’t overlap with other elements.
  • Respect reduced motion to ease users with vestibular motion disorders.
  • Allow users to customize the playback experience (e.g., volume, speed, captions, animations).
  • Provide the correct language in both spoken and text form.
  • Announce important player state changes to screen readers.
  • Test with screen readers like JAWS, NVDA, or VoiceOver.
  • Document all accessibility features.
  • Conduct user testing with people who have disabilities.

Important to keep in mind that providing an accessible experience requires effort from your end too. You should strive to review and implement the list above, follow the guidelines listed below, test, speak to your users, and help us improve. We should hold each other to high standards.

We’re committed to respecting and adhering to the following guidelines and specifications:

  • WAI-ARIA: A set of technical specifications and guidelines created by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It provides a framework for making web content and web applications more accessible to people with disabilities, particularly those who use assistive technologies like screen readers. WAI-ARIA defines roles, states, and properties that can be added to HTML elements to convey information and improve the interaction of web content, enhancing accessibility for all users.
  • WCAG 2.2: A set of standards and guidelines that provide recommendations for making web content, including websites and web applications, more accessible to people with disabilities. It offers specific criteria and success criteria that content developers can follow to ensure web content is usable by a wide range of users, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.
  • CVAA: A U.S. federal law enacted in 2010. It focuses on ensuring that people with disabilities have access to modern communication and video technologies. The CVAA mandates accessibility features in communication services, such as telecommunications and the internet, as well as in video programming. It requires closed captioning for video content on television and the internet, making telecommunications services accessible for individuals with hearing or vision impairments, and addressing other accessibility needs. The CVAA plays a crucial role in promoting equal access to digital communication and video content for all citizens, including those with disabilities. It is heavily governed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
  • ADA: A civil rights law, designed to eliminate discrimination based on disability and aims to guarantee equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Among its provisions is the requirement that websites need to be accessible to those with hearing, vision, or physical impairments.

We consider the following with respect to ARIA labelling:

  • Descriptions for the player content and posters.
  • Labelled control elements with aria-label, aria-labelledby, or aria-describedby.
  • Labels are in the correct language.
  • Established relationships with aria-controls.
  • Hide irrelevant content with aria-hidden="true".
  • Assigned appropriate ARIA roles.
  • Utilize ARIA states and properties.
  • Validate with accessibility tools.

We provide sensible defaults but it’s still on you to ensure they’re contextually valid and that your users understand them. A simple example is verifying that the labels are in the correct language.

Native captions fall short, as highlighted in our motivation for not relying on native captions. We’ve integrated our custom media captions library to ensure consistent and customizable captions/subtitles across browsers and providers. We also provide support for additional formats beyond VTT such as text, SRT, SSA, and JSON.


Did you know closed-captions are governed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) under the Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVA)? Not providing captions and adequate customization options on the web for content that was shown on TV doesn’t meet guidelines 😱 Filed law suits have dramatically increased in recent years! See the amazing Caption Me If You Can talk at Demuxed by Dan Sparacio to learn more.

Audio descriptions describe visual elements such as scenes, settings, actions, and costumes. It is particularly helpful for people who are blind and vision impaired. We support multiple audio tracks by including them in your HLS playlists. In addition, all audio tracks will automatically appear in our Default Layout settings menu which can be set as desired by the user.

All components including buttons, sliders, and menus come with expectations on how they should respond to keyboard interactions. We provide sensible and well-known defaults that adhere to the guidelines listed above.

Good keyboard navigation generally includes:

  • Ensuring keyboard operability for all controls with clear focus indicators.
  • Implementing keyboard shortcuts for all key player functions.
  • Allowing users to control the player with screen readers and keyboard navigation.
  • Ensuring all interactive elements are keyboard accessible.
  • Displaying and announcing all player state changes via screen readers.

When users interact with an element and something changes, it’s beneficial to redirect focus to the logical next step in the new context. This focus adjustment aids in conveying the updated situation, especially for screen reader users. We always try to shift focus to where it logically makes most sense. For example, when opening a submenu with radio options, we will always focus the currently selected choice.

Good focus management generally includes:

  • Ensuring all interactive elements can be navigated and activated using keyboard alone.
  • Maintaining a logical tab order and providing visible focus indicators.
  • Supporting well-known and standardized keyboard focus navigation shortcuts.
  • Testing keyboard navigation for all functions and elements, including sliders and menus.

We’re actively looking for organizations to partner with that will help us improve our accessibility standards throughout the player. If you’d like to partner with us on this front and help us improve then consider joining our Discord server or sending us a DM on Twitter.